Have you ever thought that every move you take, every choice you make, every action you do, is just...wrong? Even when the time you do it, when you do it, seems perfectly right, perfectly normal, perfectly a good choice.
I, myself, hate that feeling. One of the biggest reasons being the very fact that I hate being known as doing something wrong. I don't like it when people correct me even when I KNOW that I'm wrong.
My friends end up looking at me as if I did something fatal (as I'm known to be doing everything right, the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect friend). But all I ever did was make a mistake. I'm human. Just because I do well at school, seemingly do well with my family and earn the trust of my friends, it does not necessarily mean that I do not make mistakes.
Humans are all about mistakes. It is how we grow, how we learn, how we become who we are as an adult. I don't want to be someone that makes no mistakes. Because then how do I learn? How do I mature? How do I change my way of thinking? How do I become who I will be when I grow up?
To the people who think that every step I make is wrong, every judgement I make is wrong, this is what I have to say to you, and to you only: I am who I am. Accept me or ignore me.
I don't want a friend who only cares about the good part of me. I don't want a friend that doesn't accept who I really am and expects me to become someone that will only be who they want to be.
I don't want a family member that is always saying my faults and ignoring my good deeds. I don't want a family member that is ignorant of my success.
To the people who put me down and smirk behind my back, thinking that I can't do anything, this is my message to you, and to you only: The two words and three phrases, "I know", "I can", "I will" are in the top of my dictionary. Nothing you can ever say, ever do, can make me change that. Once again, I am only human and every human, including you makes mistakes.